It feels so good to be back in PerĂº, and I truly feel blessed to be able to share this experience with my classmates. One thing that has really stood out to me is how almost everyone is stepping up into leadership positions in various areas in order to better our group. Evan and Tyler have been doing an incredible job leading devotions in the evening, Czander, Josh and Evan have been leading us in worship, Jordan, Jessie and Lucas have been incredible with leading and organizing the different crafts that we have for the kids during VBS in the mornings, people have been taking leadership on the construction site, during VBS, and everyone is giving of their time to spend time with the kids we meet.
This morning during VBS, we talked about how Christ is the most valuable treasure that we could ever have. After enjoying a puppet show, singing songs, learning the Bible verse, and participating in a skit, the kids went back to their classrooms to decorate treasure box. When I found out that we would be giving glitter to all these little children I was definitely concerned. And while the glitter did end up all over the desks and floor, and all over their hands and in their hair, for many of them, it was the first time they had ever seen it, much less been able to use it. Their faces lit up, and they would come up to us time after time with a new design on their treasure boxes, most wanting to fit as much on there as possible! It is moving to see how such a simple thing can make a difference in the lives of these children. Please continue to pray with us that God will use what we do and say to reach the kids in the schools and that their hearts will be touched by what is being taught.
There is not a person on this trip who does not love the time we have spent with the boys. A couple of days ago we were in Ica. We didn’t have any work to do there so we had the opportunity to spend a lot of time just hanging out with the boys. Both SouthLake kids and Peruvian kids were gathered around playing instruments, some playing games and other just sitting and talking with the boys. Almost every guy had run around the center with at least one boy on his shoulders by the end of the night. The girasoles (the Scripture Union’s name for the street boys in their program) were laughing and playing with us all night and all the next morning. We have never seen such joyful kids. It is incomprehendable that children with so much joy have gone through so much. This trip has definitely opened up our eyes in a way no story ever could. We have met, played, and laughed with the very boys that had been in the streets not so long ago. It is not something that can be quickly forgotten and these boys will be in our heart and our prayers long after we have gone.
Our theme verse for VBS is Jeremiah 29:13 which says, ¨You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.¨ Not only are we trying to teach this to the kids, but it is something that we have been focusing on all week in our devotions. I personally have been challenged to seek God not only when I need him, but throughout the day. He is the vine and we are the branches. If I am not connected to my life source, the Bible says that I will be cut off and wither away and die. Our nightly devotions have really inspired me to really focus on my relationship with the Lord and make it a priority in my life. It is amazing at what a difference it makes.
Thank you to all who are praying for us and supporting us back home! We love you!