We met Irma last year at the school. Her teacher called Mrs. Smith aside and showed her some sores on Irma´s skin...the sore were open wounds that went all the way to the bone! Mrs. Smith and Mr. Horton posed the challenge to the students of giving their own money for Irma to go to Lima to get the treatments that she needed. Last year´s students gave over 700 dollars! It was incredible to see their generosity. Irma began her treatments and improved a lot.
Right before we arrived in Peru this year we received an email that Irma had passed away. Her parents, who were very old, were unable to go with her to finish her treatments. They also were unable to provide her with the kind of diet that she needed. In the end it was determined that she had a very rare form of cancer.
This was very sad news for us. But then we received another email. Just after Irma had begun her treatments, Maria Antonietta, the director of the Scripture Union schools work, had spent time with her in the hospital and lead her to Christ. We know that Irma came to know the Lord through the gifts of SLCA students and the love of SUs workers.
So, Mrs. Smith told this story of how Irma, their former classmate had accepted Christ and invited the rest of the students to do the same. We all prayed together, and atleast two of the little girls responded in faith!
The students share their art that says ¨Jesus is the best treasure¨
All the kids at the Kusi school
Evan writes on the board ¨Cristo es el mejor tesoro¨
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