Monday, May 18, 2009


Just a quick post before dinner!

We arrived in Lima last night around 11.00pm and met Billy and Scott, two Scripture Union Interns, who took us to Centro Girasoles where we slept on the floor in the auditorium. Everyone crashed pretty quickly after a long day of traveling =)

This morning after breakfast at the Center, we went to SU´s center for the deaf. Kaleb, Olivia, Emily, Caroline, and Charlotte did an incredible job sharing a choreography that depicts how Christ rescued us from sin!! You could see from the expressions of the deaf children that they understood the message and that they really enjoyed the presentation!! It isn´t often that speaking people are able to communicate with them!

After the presentation, Susan shared how God had put their ministry on her heart and how all of SLCA came together to raise money for them during missions week. They were so surprised to receive the money that you all help raise! Thanks to all SLCA families for being a part!

After the school we drove 4 hours to Ica to ride DUNE BUGGIES! One of the students will share about this once we get to Caraz on Wednesday! Let´s just say there was a lot of roller coaster-ish yelling and shoes and pants full of sand afterwards!

Sorry for the short post! We are going to the Boys home in Ica for dinner tonight!

Miss Jackson

Parents: students should be able to communicate with you on Wednesday!

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