This is class president Christopher L. Kilgannon Jr. here giving you a status report on the trip.We are all alive and well and no one has been sold.... yet.
Today was our first day of the real nitty gritty manual labor. We turned a mound of dirt into 203 adobe bricks in a matter of about 6 hours. It was quite strenous but with people like Keith Nevel and myself manning the shovels the task was easily overcome. On a more serious note it jus goes to show you that while we in the good old US of A could just go down to Lowes and buy a ton of bricks it takes these people months to prepare just the basic necessity of life.
Also passing out water to a certain village was quite a heart wrenching task to see these people so down trodden and without water just really put a thorn in my side. I realized that this was basically the best time of their week which kinda makes me think more about everytime i toss some water back at home. As we were filling 50 gallon drums with water i realized that we were meeting these peoples physical needs and Í believe everyone on the trip took something away from that experience.
Other than that not much to report the kids are great and they bring a smile to my face every time I see them. Everyone here has an amazing work ethic and I am continually impressed by that fact.
Hope all´s well back on the home front till then,
Christopher L. Kilgannon Jr.
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